Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Are Nepali Models Not Popular on the Internet?

!±8± Why Are Nepali Models Not Popular on the Internet?

Nepal has seen some fabulous beauties in the recent years. With the growing number of beauty pageants, the ever increasing TV channels and the internet, people are now more aware of Nepali models than they were in the past. Models like Namrata Shrestha, Zenisha Moktan are so popular that tons of searches on the internet are targeted towards them every month. Yet, there are only a handful of pages on the Internet about them. And that's certainly not helping to add to their popularity!

While models from other part of the world have thousands of pages dedicated to them on the internet, it's a pity that Nepalese models are lagging far behind with even the popular models not having their presence on the internet except for in a few news site. We needn't go far. Indian and Chinese female models have conquered the world. May be with their vast population, it's not a big deal for them to have tons of pages on the internet about their models, but there are some peculiar reasons behind Nepali models lagging behind on the Internet:

1) As being told earlier, the small Nepali population is the main cause. And out of that small population, only a handful uses the internet. Out of that handful, only a small portion writes about Nepali models or creates new pages on the internet about them, hence less number of pages on the internet.

2) The attitude of the online Nepalese users toward our female models is wrong. Majority of comments made on pages of Nepali female models are offensive. If you cannot respect your own fellow countrywomen, no one else will!

3) Laziness of the models to self-promote themselves. Models should also take initiatives in promoting themselves. Facebook is one popular medium to do so. Adding pictures and sending out messages to fans would keep the ball rolling.

4) Backward society which considers the slightest of skin-show a sin. It's a fact that modeling cannot be done without any skin show and this fact needs to be understood.

Having said all these, the future of the Nepali girls who are engaged in modeling on the internet should not be dark. More and more bloggers are writing about Nepali girls these days. More groups are being created in Facebook dedicated to our models. These are obviously positive signs. However, collective effort is required from everyone's side to make our female models more popular on the internet. All the 4 problems pointed out earlier need to be solved if we want to see our Nepali girls competing on the global arena.

Why Are Nepali Models Not Popular on the Internet?

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bamboo - Increasing Demand

!±8± Bamboo - Increasing Demand

One of the most enduring images of India's freedom struggle is that of Mahatma Gandhi setting out on the Salt March in 1930, on a 140 kilometre trek from Ahmedabad to Dandi. All he had by the way of support were the multitudes behind him, and the bamboo stave by his side.

The bamboo in his hands, today more than ever before, is one of the newest hopes for a sustainable future. Found in almost every kind of climate and region, from cold mountains to tropical forests and marsh lands, the bamboo is the fastest growing plant on our planet. Environmentalists believe that if bamboo were used in a major way in afforestation programs the world over, there would be a significant reduction in global warming. Here are some of its other benefits to humans and their environments --

It is one of the cheapest renewable sources of building material available to man. At the same time, it provides rural communities with a sustainable livelihood. It is one of the fastest growing components of forests, and thus plays an important role in the development of animal habitats. It costs neither a lot of energy nor money, to cultivate. Bamboo has been an important part of art, music, tradition and ceremonies through out the Asian continent.

There are approximately 91 general and about 1000 species of bamboo around the globe. These vary in height from about one foot plants to giant bamboos that grow over 100 feet. Broadly speaking, Bamboo is divided into 2 main classifications - Running Bamboo and Clumping Bamboo. Running Bamboo - This type of Bamboo travels under the soil using creeping rhizomes and emerges out of the ground at a distance from the original source. This variety is normally found in temperate climate countries like China and Japan. It is very effective in binding the soil together as the rhizome intersection is extensive and strong. Each joint of the Running bamboo stem has a single bud, which in many cases grow to become a new bamboo clump. Clumping Bamboo - In this variety, the clump and the rhizome are a single entity, in which the upper portion of the rhizome has buds. The bud then grow into a new rhizome which turns upwards and emerges, from the ground, as a second clump close to the original. This variety can also be grown from cuttings. They are normally found more in tropical and semi tropical climates.
Growing Bamboos

Bamboos need plenty of water in a well drained, fertile soil to grow optimally. This is why they are most commonly found on river banks or the edges of swamps, never directly touching the water. During the dry season, bamboo clumps lie dormant, spreading through shoots sprouting from their base once it rains.

The bamboo is an extremely sturdy plant and is naturally quite resistant to pests though the occasional Running Bamboo plant is prone to the Bamboo Mites which make a small but distinctive web on the plant.

Some bamboo varieties may also be grown indoors.

Precautions During Bamboo Cultivation Large bamboo produces large woody underground rhizomes that could damage paving, buildings or drainage systems if planted too close to these or other structures. The roots which grow from the rhizomes of clumping bamboo are long and fibrous like those of palms or large clumping grasses. These are useful in stabilising the soil and preventing erosion, but may also create problems. Being flexible and fibrous rather than hard and woody, these roots will grow into and along slotted drainage pipes or any cracks in metal or ceramic pipes. Bamboo rhizomes grow underground to emerge quite a distance away from the mother plant. So if planted in a wet, well drained and rich soil, bamboo can quickly spread and strangle other trees and plants in the area. Once established as a grove, it is difficult to completely remove bamboo without digging up the entire network of underground rhizomes. If bamboo must be removed, an alternative to digging it up is to cut down the culms, and then repeatedly mow down new shoots as they arise, until the root system exhausts its energy supply and dies. If any leaves are allowed to photosynthesize the bamboo survives and will keep spreading.
Traditional Uses

The bamboo is a highly useful plant, a renewable resource with multiple uses. It has played a crucial role in the life of people all across south and south east Asia. Here are some of them --

Bamboo pulp is used for making paper It may be burnt as fuel Bamboo is known not only for the aesthetic beauty it imparts to its surroundings, but also for its tensile strength. Research has shown that during structural engineering tests, bamboo has a much higher tensile strength than many alloys of steel and a higher compressive strength than many mixtures of concrete. Which is why, for long, it has been a standard material in construction. Its leaves are a good fodder for animals and fish. Bamboo is used to make simple bowls, glasses etc by the simple expedient of cutting it from above and below a node. It is used to make musical instruments. The flutes of Benares are a good example of this. Many canes of bamboo lashed together, are still used as rafts and boats across the world. In 1854, Henricg Globel, a German watchmaker made the first true light bulb. He used a carbonised bamboo filament inside a glass bulb. In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison too used bamboo splits as filaments, working with bamboo obtained from Japan. The bamboo filament tended to last about forty hours before burning out. Bamboo is an important ingredient in many world cuisines. Its shoots are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and are consumed in a variety of ways. They are sometimes pickled and used as a condiment, or used with other vegetables in a stir fry. Bamboo sap is also used to make a sweet wine while its leaves are used as wrappers for steaming food. The inner hollow in the bamboo stalks are also used to cook rice and boil soup. Bamboo along with other ingredients is used for making pancakes as well. Bamboo plays an important role in the Chinese medicine system as well as in Ayurveda. Its roots are used to treat kidney problems and bamboo secretions are considered helpful in alleviating symptoms of asthma. Its sap is said to reduce fever and roots and leaves have properties that have been used to treat cancer. The Chinese also use bamboo to treat many infections. Bamboo skin prevents bacterial growth due to its antioxidant properties.
Modern Uses of Bamboo

Though one has stepped into the modern world today with changing lifestyles and choices, bamboo is still used in the same way across large parts of the world as it was used in the past. In fact it is rightly believed by many that no other plant has had the impact that bamboo has had on so many cultures over such an extended period of time. But now, with the help of technology, scores of new uses have been found for the age old bamboo. Here are some --

Bamboo furniture Bamboo flooring Bamboo blinds Bamboo is a very comfortable eco fibre which is naturally anti-microbial. Due to the presence of micro pores, the fabric absorb three times more moisture than cotton, making it very comfortable to wear in the hot summer.
Did You Know?

Bamboo can grow about 4 feet in under 24 hours. A Bamboo plant can be continuously re-harvested every 3 years, without causing any negative impact on the soil and the environment. The dense roots of the bamboo plant are so deep into the soil and remain firmly intact that they prevent soil erosion in a very effective manner. It retains twice as much water in the underground watershed. It consumes nitrogen and thus remove pollution. Bamboo plant produces 35% more oxygen than any other tree species. Bamboo also protects against ultraviolet rays. Soft bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves are the major food source of the endangered Giant Panda of China. The plant marketed as "lucky bamboo" is actually an entirely unrelated species, Dracaena sanderiana. Bamboo is the only living thing that survived the Hiroshima atomic blast. It also provided the initial re- greening of that place.
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is, strangely enough, not a bamboo at all. It is a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and Africa. Lucky Bamboo has long been associated with the Eastern practice of Feng Shui - or the bringing of natural elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal into balance within the environment. It is believed to be an ideal example of the thriving wood and water element, with the addition of a red ribbon sometimes tied around the stalks - which is believed to "fire" the positive flow of energy or chi in the room.

Bamboo - Increasing Demand

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chinese New Year Predictions, Year Of The Rat 2008 - What To Expect And How To Thrive

!±8± Chinese New Year Predictions, Year Of The Rat 2008 - What To Expect And How To Thrive

The Year of the Rat begins February 7th, 2008. It is symbolized by a Mountain floating atop the Ocean, an image which suggests a lack of solidity and security. However there are opportunities disguised as problems in every situation and with proper foresight and positioning they can be golden for you.


* There will be a greater potential for earthquakes, mudslides, avalanches, hi-rise building disasters, torrential rainstorms, floods, tsunamis and blizzards.

* More of these incidents may occur in the Southern and Western parts of the world, countries and cities.

* Water contamination issues as well as innovative water purification methods may be in the news.

* If you live in an area with a potential for any of the above take precautions right now to stay safe.

* Acquire a good water purifier to keep your personal water supply healthy.

* Get involved with lawmakers and grassroots groups to keep your local waterways clean and vital.


* There will be monumental efforts to gain global stability while strong pockets of undercurrents attempt to "cause the mountain to fall."

* We could see the beginnings of a cooling down period in international conflicts.

* There are indicators that more females will come to political power this year.


* Let peace begin with you. Make a personal commitment to creating a harmonious atmosphere in your environment and in your heart. It will have a ripple effect on everyone in your personal life and the whole of humanity.

* Utilize the power of Feng Shui to harmonize the energies in your home and work space. Place a focus symbol of peace and prosperity on your desk such as a photo of the ocean or a waterfall flowing towards you.

* Dedicate 15-30 minutes daily to integrate a spiritual practice or program of personal development.


* In Chinese astrology the Rat is known as a "Flower of Romance" and so increased romance and sociability will be in the air for many. More public love triangles and sex scandals may abound.

* Depending on your individual horoscope the focus on romance may bring unexpected challenges
and break ups for some and/or may trigger unexpected new love for you this year.


*Connecting with others is beneficial this year whether it is for romantic purposes, business networking or any other kind of social involvement.

*Join a dating site, a social networking site, or connect with a special interest group, or spiritual congregation. New friendships will be beneficial and certain kinds of friendships lead to romance.

* If you are in a challenged relationship right now this is a good year to seek counseling to heal your heart and remember the core of love you once shared.


* There is a "depth" and a "hidden" quality to what is buried inside a mountain and what is found under the sea and this may correspond to discovering a deeper understanding of health and how what is buried within our subconscious minds is powerfully affecting it.

* New healing discoveries of plants grown atop mountains or under water may surface.

* In Chinese Medicine "earth disorders" relate to the spleen, pancreas and stomach so obesity, diabetes and digestive system challenges may be more prevalent. The emotion of sadness is related to earth as well so depression and problems with anti-depressants may be more widespread.

* "Water disorders" relate to the urinary/bladder and reproductive systems, and adrenals. The main water emotion is fear.

* The Chinese astrological sign of the Horse (fire element) directly opposes the Rat and this clash may produce increased "fire disorders" such as high blood pressure, heart/circulation/brain conditions, vision problems, fevers, and inflammations. The emotional imbalance for fire is over-excitement.

* More healing, beauty and rejuvenation breakthroughs may be triggered this year through the use of elixirs made of products of the earth, and refined laser and microcurrent or light wave treatments.

* Spirituality is ruled by the fire element and that may spark greater interest in healing from the deeper level of the heart and soul.


* If you have any earth, water or fire related organ weakness think about prevention and focus upon strengthening and vitalizing before anything serious occurs.

* Try some "energy therapy" methods to quickly eliminate sadness, fear, and anxiety to avoid resorting to medication, for example the Emotional Freedom Technique.

* Investigate spiritual healing modalities such as Reiki, Theta Healing, Chi Kung, or Prayer.

* Enjoy the healing benefits of organic teas and elixirs. Consider a water or juice fast one day a month.

* Have fun creating your own health and beauty potions with products of the earth such as clays, herbs, and essential oils.


* The stock market: More unstable in 2008 and generally investors will feel like playing it more cool and cautious.

* The commodities market: Grains and soybeans should do well.

* Investments related to the earth element are somewhat favorable but earth is unstable this year so profits taken may not be strong: Property, mining, hotels, insurance, health care, food business, and products of the earth such as herbs, oil, metals or gems. Diamonds may be found in unusual places on the earth where they've never been found before.

* Indicators are that interest rates will rise.

* There will be tougher competition in water related industries: Shipping, cruising, fishing and beverage industries. Bottled waters should outperform other kinds of drinks this year
* Innovative solar energy and environmentally sensitive products, hi-tech industries and internet businesses will continue to be profitable.


* Be more practical (earth) about your money and investments by creating a plan: a sort of "sacred budget" that will curb unconscious spending and intentionally funnel your income into achieving your current year dreams and visions for the future.

* Call upon the power of reflection and wisdom (water) your own or somebody else's to make the most beneficial choices for your business and personal financial success. My predictions are for educational and research purposes only. Always seek the advice of your personal financial and health professional.

Chinese New Year Predictions, Year Of The Rat 2008 - What To Expect And How To Thrive

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